Check out this song by Die Warzau...
i kind of disagree with the whole "mistreatment of war prisoners" thing, though, (the message of the song) because hey... it's war. if war were pleasant, more soccer moms would voulenteer. i like how the song brings the issue to the forefront, though. the song is one of the best i've heard in a long, long time.
don't get me wrong, though... war is generally pretty heinous, and i'm one of the biggest pacifists you'll meet, but if someone were trying to harm my family in any way, i'd beat them until i knew for a fact they wouldn't try to harm my family again. i could either kill them (in a very, very extreme case, of course) or decide to let them live, making damn sure they remember not to mess with my family again by engraving that relation: "oh, if i mess with jeph's family i'm gonna get tortured again." have you ever read "ender's game" by orson scott card? ender had the right idea.
...and MAN, don't assume i support bush's reasons for starting a war...
...and i don't blame other countries for fighting him back. anybody would defend themselves, as would i, if people with guns bursted in my front door and threatened (or carried out) murder of a family member. i'd do my best to prevent it from happening.
ahh, crap, i've just created an opinion page...